Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Justin's first pet

I am pleased to introduce.... drum roll please...

DESPEREAUX,  Justin's new mouse!

Here he is in his new home!  Isn't he cute?... unfortunately he managed to escape from his cage the very first night!  Needless to say, we spent the morning hunting for him and, thankfully, found him!  We then spent the rest of the day looking for an escape proof  home for him!

Here is the new, improved, escape-proof home!  We call it the Mod Pod!  And, no, he has not escaped since!  He has also turned out to be a great little mouse.  He hasn't bitten anyone.  He tolerates being held and handled and looks super cute running around in his little ball!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

He's so cute! I can't believe you found him- yay!