Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Over the past few years, it has become a tradition to have an Easter Open House between our morning and evening church services. We eat, fellowship with family and friends, and have a big egg hunt for the kids. This year we had quite a crowd, nearly 60 of our family and friends joined us!

I love my guest book. It is so much fun to be able to remember who joined us on each occasion and read the comments they left (often they are quite humorous or remind us of some little thing that happened on the particular occasion that we might otherwise have forgotten). I have to thank my dear friend, Emily, for this great idea.

With 60 people coming over to eat, we had to set-up some additional outdoor dining space.

Good Friends!

My sweetheart and me enjoying our Mimosas.

After brunch, it was time for the much anticipated Egg Hunt. Even the youngest guests got in on the fun. Here, Grace lifts up her cousin, Jonny, to reach an egg he spotted.

Those more experienced hunters like Ian struck out to hunt on their own!

Emma showing off some of her loot. I think Megan is trying to talk her into sharing a piece.

Sorting and swaping after the hunt!

We had lovely weather and spent much of the rest of the day in the yard.

And, what's a party with out a minor fiasco to deal with. "The sky is falling!" No really a piece of our open beam ceiling decided to suddenly drop on our guests! Fortunately, no one got seriously hurt! And yes, this definitely made it into the guest book, although there is little chance we would of forgotten this one!
And, thanks to Sunny for these photos, because otherwise I would not have any!


Jenny said...

That would be Emma with Megan, not Hannah. :-)

Hillary Taylor said...

Oops, right you are! I will fix that. ; )