Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy 13th Birthday, Jared!

It is hard to believe that I now have a second child who has entered the teen years... 
Jared, you have always been full of joy and fun, ready to make us laugh with your wit and humor.  And always up for some antics.  Here is a look back at the past 13 years:

Well the antics started on the day you were born! ... or should I say before. Fully expecting another girl (never trust those sonograms!), we were all quite surprised when you arrived!  So much so, that it took us 3 days to name our little boy!

Jared - just a few months old.  All the boxes in the background were getting packed up for our move to the East coast.

15 months- playing peek-a-boo in your favorite cabinet.

3 years old- A proud big brother, holding Justin.

4 1/2 years old- dressed up for Halloween as Steve, from Blue's Clues. 

6 years old and scaling new heights!

9 years old in our Garden, next to his strawberry plant.

10 years old- Mighty Mets- up to bat!

and after the playoffs!

12th birthday- having fun with friends.

holding cousin, Jonny

Happy 13th Birthday, Jared!
Looking forward to many more years of laughter and continuing to watch you grow!