Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Frog Dissection!

Ah, Homeschooling at it's best.  These are the moments you pat yourself on the back and smile at the wonder of watching your children learn!  Our end of the year Biology experiment was dissecting a frog!  The kids had been waiting all year for this!  If you get grossed out easily, consider yourself warned you might want to skip this post !

Here they are, the shrink wrapped frogs that had been waiting patiently in my closet for almost a year!

Grace showing of her frog's tongue! 

Jared considers a snack!?  Ewww!  But he did manage to remove the intestines and stomach all in one piece!  Impressive!

Once we had finished removing all the insides, and the eyes, and the skin, Justin decided he wanted to attempt to remove the muscles so, he could see the bones.  He worked quite hard to carefully cut away the leg muscles.  Hmm, do I have a young surgeon in the making?  That would be good, since he wants to drive a Ferrari when he grows up!
Hmmm, what should we dissect next!

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