Monday, September 22, 2008

Brisingr release party

It seems to have become a tradition for our family to go to the book store's midnight release party when a new book comes out.  This time it was Brisingr - the third book in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.  Both Grace and Jared have really enjoyed Eragon and Eldest and were eagerly awaiting Brisingr.  Grace had put the book on her birthday wish list (her birthday is next Sunday, the 28th) and requested that we go to the party.  So, despite the long week we had had, it was off to Borders at 10 p.m. on Friday night!  The store had some activities planned to keep all the fans busy during the wait.  The evening started out with a Quest to find clues throughout the store.

Here are Grace and her friend, Kirsten, who teamed up for the quest, trying to make sense of the clues they have found.   And afterward, with there prizes.  They were 2nd place!  Great job, girls!

Grace won the costume contest for her Arya (an elf in the book) costume.  She won a signed book plate for her book!  She was so excited, and it made her birthday gift that much better!  Not only did she get the book, but a copy with a signed book plate!  

All night the kids received raffle tickets for the raffle at the end of the night.  Up for grabs were spots 1-4 in line to buy the book.  We have never gotten one of those spots before... but this time Jared got spot #4.  Here he is with the coveted silver wrist band!

And my happy readers!  They stayed up for a couple hours getting started on the new book before crashing for the night!  

Yawn!  I was sooo tired afterwards, I could hardly keep my eyes open to get the girls settled in the living room for the night.  I must be getting older, because staying out late didn't used to affect me like it does now.  

1 comment:

Faith said...

Well Hil,

You're not as old as me so it looks like you will be the one carrying the burden of the late night for our kids and all those great books:) Kirsten had a great time, thanks for all you do!!
