Monday, October 6, 2008

Bright and early this morning,...

...we sent Jared off to Catalina for 3 fun-filled days of marine exploration!  He is so excited about all the adventuring they will be doing on his 7th grade class trip, especially the night snorkel!  You can see from the window that it was still dark outside when we left.  The carpool left Escondido at 5:45 a.m., so we (actually Jon & Jared) were out the door at 5 a.m.!I am sure we will have some more pictures to share when he returns later this week.  That is as long as the underwater digital camera we bought him works. I am a little skeptical that a camera that only cost me $20, will stay waterproof.  I will let you know, because if it does, it was a bargain!


Jenny said...

I bet he's having a blast!

Unknown said...

Hi Taylors! Caris was overcome with discussing the Taylors tonight - "We need to get in touch with them! What's going on with them?! When are they going to visit NJ?!" This was prompted by the song, "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" and memories of Justin and your gang at the Nursing Home . . . remember that? Glad to see/hear that you all are doing well. We are doing great - status quo - same home, same job (praise God!), same home school co-op (EACHE is wonderful!), same church (new building and fun youth group), etc. Changes include lots more pets - Lord have mercy - and the addition of my mother "GB for Grandma Bonnie" in our home.
Bless you all - can Madeline forward her e-mail to Caris?