Friday, July 25, 2008

Well, apparently America doesn't know who can dance!

I am still a little surprised that I am hooked on "So you think you can dance".  But now that I am hooked, imagine my shock when I tuned in to the results show last night to discover that Twitch and Will were the bottom two guys!  What?!  "This is insane!", I thought to myself.  And said something of the sort aloud to my husband, who heartily agreed.  It shouldn't  have even been between these two.  Mark and Joshua are clearly the weaker dancers.  But between these two, it was Twitch who should have gone home.  Will is amazing!  Have you seen his jumps?  How about his turns?  He is just all around well-trained and talented!

Well, this makes it between one of the remaining girls!  That will be a tough battle!  They are all quite excellent, but Will was the only guys who had a chance to win this, and now much to my disappointment, that chance is gone!


Jenny said...

I COMPLETELY AGREE!! At least the right girls were in the bottom two, and the right one definitely went home!

Hillary Taylor said...

Yes, I was glad to see Comfort go home, AGAIN.