Monday, July 14, 2008

East Coast to West Coast

One of the main reasons I decided to blog is because I have done such a poor job keeping in touch with the friends we left behind when we moved back out to the West Coast.  So in honor of our time Back East I thought I would share some of the things I miss most about New Jersey/New York... and some of the things I enjoy most about being back in SoCal.  So in true Letterman style, here are my Top Tens!

Top Ten things I miss most about NJ/NY....

10. Fireworks on Floods Hill in South Orange- I remember being terrified the first time I experienced fireworks so close, but I sure came to love it over the years.  You see, here in Hot, Dry  Southern California there are lots of restrictions on Firework Displays due to the Fire Hazards, so most displays are done out in the water and you just can't be as close.

9. Bagels, Mmmmm. - sure we have bagels here, but the
y just don't compare to a good NY bagel!!

8. Maple Trees - I still remember the first time we drove down Valley Street into Maplewood. It was early fall and the leaves were starting to change color.  It was breathtaking!  I loved watching the Maple trees change with the seasons. 

7. Time Square/Broadway- No place like it!  Any kind of food you could want within a few blocks, great theater, and the non-stop hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps... all a 30 minute train ride from our beautiful Village of Maplewood.  Which brings me to the next slightly puzzling thing I miss...

6. Public Transit?- yes, with gas at a whopping $4.50/gallon here in San Diego, I have found myself missing a public transit system that can get you around in a timely and affordable manner.  

5. Snow Days - sure, snow can be irritating, but there is something wonderful about a snow day.  I sure could use one now and again.  The forced break from the daily business.  You can't go anywhere, except out to play in the snow.  The kids rosy red cheeks after playing in the snow... You just get to stay home and drink hot cocoa and eat popcorn and warm up in front of a toasty fire.  I know I am leaving out all the shoveling and other frustrating aspects of snow, but, in all fairness this is my list of things I miss.

4.  "Crocuses beginning to show through what is left of the bear country snow"-  OK, that is actually a line from a Berenstain Bears book (a much loved one in our house, clearly), but it gets the point across.  Crocuses popping up just when you think you can't take any more snow.  
The little unassuming green shoots, that open into beautiful vivid purple and creamy white.  Yeah, spring!

3. 37 Essex Avenue, Maplewood, NJ- our first house will always hold a special place in my heart.  We put a lot of love, sweat, and tears into fixing up that little house and we enjoyed lots of great memories along the way.

2. Cait and Abbey's Bakery in South Orange - I sure miss the quiche, danishes, and cookies!

1.  Well, this is a no brainer.  All our friends, of course.  We moved out to the East Coast with out any friends or family nearby, and we were so richly blessed to get to know so many wonderful people!  We love and miss you all!!

Top Ten things I love about San Diego...

10. Sun, Sun and more Sun - what can I say, I admit it, I like having sunny days all year long!  

9.  Palm Trees- they are not that deep shade of green I miss from back East, but they have a majestic beauty all there own.

8.  The Beach- it sure is fantastic to be just a short drive from lots of beautiful beach!  A highlight of our summers out here is a weekly beach day with a bunch of friends from church.

7. Mexican Food-  Oh, how I missed the Mexican food when we were on the East Coast.  And now, I get to eat it all the time!  In all honesty, I think I could live on guacamole and good tortilla chips!  With an occasional fish taco from Rubio's, of course.

6. 7007 Hoffman Avenue, La Mesa - our new home which has more trees in the yard than I ever would have expected to have.  It makes me feel a little like I am back East.  We are thoroughly enjoying fixing this one up, as well!

5. Low humidity-  I love that summer is not sticky.  Although, I will admit I miss the summer afternoon thunderstorms.  I have always been a bit of a storm lover.

4. Family-  It is great to have most of our extended family here in San Diego.  There's always someone to leave the kids with when you need a get away.  And, we have enjoyed the births of 2 nephews and two great nieces and soon a great nephew, one wedding, and lots of family holiday get-togethers. 

3.  Citrus-  I have 2 orange trees in my backyard!  And plans to plant a lemon tree.  I remember one trip to the farmers market Back East while my Mom was visiting.  She suggested we pick up a lemon.  Well, no luck, of course.  No lemons growing back there.  

2. Avocados - need I say more!

1.  Again, an easy one.  Friends!  It was unexpectedly hard moving back.  It had been along time and  many of the people we had known didn't live here anymore.  We have been richly blessed in getting to know so many wonderful people!  


Jenny said...

Great post! I know you miss bagels and fireworks, but selfishly, I'm glad you came back! Besides, who can really live without avocados?

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that we have met you. We have been to NY so many times but we meet here?!? We love Time Square and broadway shows....Phantom, Miss Saigon, Kiss Me Kate, Victor Victoria, Chicago, etc. (Sorry never saw Cats- bummer:-) And, we love, love, love Central Park in the spring and fall. And, there is so many great diners and pizza places...It was fun to reminisce. Even though we don't have the busy streets of NY we now have the OCEAN and the SUN as you said. Yea. But, if you ever think about taking a trip to NY - please let us know!